Tuesday, November 15, 2005

word up

"He was really going for it, throwing some seriously mad moves, when he suddenly slipped and landed on his butt. His arm got caught and he has fractured his left hand"

Click here to see which white trash wanna-be rapper this is......you get one guess. Rhymes with brain dead.

Since the beginning of the Spederline thing I have been disappointed. It's almost like she just woke up and said...."Hmm..? Ya know, I look too freaking hot and I date guys who like to take baths and brush their teeth.....yeah, I don't wanna do that anymore. I feel like hookin' up with Slappy, the baitshop boy and getting pregos and marrying him. Cause you know I don't need all this money and hell, I hate looking this hot. Oh yeah, and I don't want all this money I worked for either." Trust me, add a cigarette puff and exhale every other sentence and you got it.

And all this rubbish about awww, poor Britney. Mean ole K-Fed is treating her so bad after she had his baby.

HELLLLOOO??!! I mean it's not like he has a past of knocking bitches up and leaving them. Oh,...he does? Hmmmm..?

I don't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for all of the K-babies that had to share white trash dancer DNA with their dead beat father.

This is how women get called morons and stupid. The whole theory of, "Well, he won't do that to me." Yes, stupid. He will do it to you. Especially if you're worth seventy-eight bizillion dollars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That fucker looks a lot like Vanilla Ice. I bet he's already shaved into his kid's eyebrows - fuckin' no talent lame-ass piece of trash.