Monday, November 28, 2005

damn bitch when we went to the BEP concert at the begining of this month this is what we saw.....

I didn't take these pictures at the concert but they were taken this week.

I wasn't going to say anything about the way she looked because it would seem as if I was just jealous of her due to the fact that I'm a girl. Understand this.....I am very down with a chick thats hot, ok? Fergie, as far as I can remember is hot...... Fiiiiiyyyiinnnee if you will. This is supposed to be Fergie.......ok......ok it is Fergie.......but I almost could swear it was her mother or some sort of monkey bat thing crossed with a yoda baby. She's always denied rumors about having work done.....well, if she hasn't, then maybe she should.

Here's something to help forget the image above.

You're welcome.

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