Monday, November 28, 2005

mrs God warrior


My favorite reality bitch, Margret Perrin ,will be on Jay Leno tommorow night!!!!!!!!!

Don't miss this. This will be her last 2 minutes of "fame" so enjoy it..

Believe it and click

I hope she wears the shirt I sent her before. She looks so relaxed in it....don't you think?


Natalia said...

ROTFL! I caught this after the fact and found a few clips online and I swear I almost fell off my chair laughing. They should give this woman her own show... she is much more fun to watch than Paris Hilton....OMG!


HoseHead78 said...

Absolutly the best Trading Spouses Ever! She Flipped, I mean Flipped the night she got home. Was just funnier than all hell. Nobody could do right by her.