Monday, November 14, 2005


So...unless you live in a mailbox you have heard of the poster child for Valium, Mrs. Margaret Perrin, who was recently on Trading Spouses. I am an avid fan of reality t.v. and I think that was by far the best moment in reality show history. There's just something about a crazy bitch that makes me feel warm inside. Anyways, I sent her a shirt and she promised to wear it because it wasn't tainted. Here's the picture she sent back.... along with a King James bible with my name on it.... not a witch book.

Watch batshit crazy lady here.

thanks to "rumpy"...


Anonymous said...

Now thats a crazy, ugly bitch!

Anonymous said...

Someone give that bitch a chic-let, I'm not sure if she realzes she's got that gaping home in her mouth.