Sunday, April 22, 2007

show me

man i love this favorite one of the movie... i sing the hell out it :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Learning to trust
Valid during many months: Under this influence you will become increasingly aware that all the truly important events in your life occur without your conscious intervention. This will help you to act with more calm and composure in those areas where you had difficulties in the past or found it hard to make any headway. You should now find it easier to deal with things in a relaxed manner, not brooding so morosely over your own failings and inadequacies. This will also help you to be more understanding when others make mistakes, making you more forgiving.
Most people's perception contains blind spots which shield them from some of their deeper and more complex emotions which would otherwise reduce their ability to cope with everyday life. Under this influence you could have the opportunity to come to terms with some of the darker and more hidden influences of your nature, without falling into a state of despair and depression. You are also now more able to get to the bottom of any sexual problems you may have. Your increased intuition will help you to receive and interpret the images and dreams rising from your unconsious which would otherwise remain unnoticed. These will help you to become aware of hurt which you have suppressed since your childhood and adolescence, which can initiate the process of healing. And, provided that you can remain trusting and open, you may now receive healing energy from a wide variety of sources.

Monday, April 09, 2007


this is the newest song to consume me. i love it. its off the new timbaland cd which is pretty good. if you know me its important to listen to the whole song and really hear what it know who im talking to. so take 3 minutes out of your life and listen to a beautiful song..... :)

is it wrong that everytime this girl puts "its too late" she writes "to late" and i have to supress the urge to email her and correct her? :) i cant help it...

Sunday, April 01, 2007


so we have been watching these planet earth shows that are starting to consume my life. these birds are some of the coolest things i have seen. the one that dances and cleans is my fave. :) you should check them out if you have the discovery channel.