Wednesday, August 30, 2006


For tomorrow:

August 31, 2006
Your partner is demonstrating a particularly passionate streak, and seems to be full of fun and the joy of life. The day's planetary configuration indicates that you have a chance to be honest with each other, and to talk in a positive way about your future, and any changes you would like to make. It is also time for you both to go out and have a marvelous time.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

get your sexy on

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So, I had a weird dream about Justin Timberlake last night....
I was in this dance team and I got picked to dance to "Sexy Back" with him. I was the main person besides him in the front of the stage, everybody else was in a big mass behind us. It was weird because I was in this Dutch garb and he kept telling some lady to tighten my corset...I was wearing a corset with Dutch garb...yeah. So, anyways, when we would practice I was supposed to be this school girl and he had me hold this really obnoixiously big pencil and I was siting at a desk and he said that he wanted me to be like a puppet. A puppet. I'm thinking its like from the imfamous "Bye, bye, bye" video. But then he put this rope in my mouth like in between my teeth and behind my head and said, "Wow, you have nice breath." I don't think we ever danced..... then I woke up.
The more I think about it "the puppet" comment could've derived from the way Cameron I have pointed out before.


This one is so much better.....yay!

Monday, August 28, 2006


Man....I am so ready.

I can't wait to order a pizza grab a beer and permanently place my booty on the couch and watch that. I'll probably wait ten minutes so that I can fast forward through the commercials....God, I love my Sam's Choice tivo. So, don't think about calling me during the hours of 10 and 11 pm on Tuesday Sept. 5 for I won't answer it...that sucka will be on silent.


If you didnt see the intro to the Emmy's then please good.


I have lots to talk about. My baby's birthday was this weekend and we had so much fun. I planned him a suprize party for him with all of our friends from highschool. I had him blindfolded the whole way there and accidently ran him into a wall and he fell off a curb.....but, the injuries were worth it. :) My BFF is flying in today to see me for my birthday.....which ins't until next week. She'a a flight attendant and I don't see her that much so this is so special to me. My other bff has decided to take me and all my friends out for my early birthday party this weekend and I CANNOT wait. That's about it for now....more later.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

smells wild

Happy Birthday Dave!!!

Virgo's rule.

Monday, August 21, 2006


* updated below 12:36a

I know Benji won and I liked him and wanted him to win but this boy was my secret none.

.....please let it load to see the full effect....

His control and flow is untouchable. I mean gaahhhh.

I think i've watched this 12 times already.

Just know that this dance made me cry 2 weeks ago.

I completely understand where Mia is coming from on the feelings. I'll be honest with you, I find myself crying at certain routines because it really is more than just "dancing" to me. So much deeper. Dancing is my vice. I love it more than anything in the world besides my pinty one.

God my lady biz makes me so emotional.

maybe i do


This is the virgo yearly horroscope...the part about the rest of the year.

By the time autumn unfurls her leaves, you'll be exercising a whole new aspect of your personality, thanks to a partner who excites your senses like no one ever has before. It's as though you've been going through your life with your eyes closed, and suddenly you're plunged into a fairy-tale forest, where streams sing constant melodies in your ear and picturesque mosses hang over every branch of every tree. This person will be your guide through a landscape of unfamiliar but wholly positive emotions. Be sure to express the gratitude you feel. Sometimes it's hard to admit you don't have exclusive control over your own happiness, but it will be a pleasure to admit you owe some of your contentment to such a compassionate source.

mushy gushy

You see this face?
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This is the face of a happy woman.
Couple reasons why.
There is a big someone that makes me feel that way.
There is a pinty somone who makes me feel that way.
The start of my "career" has begun.
Hence the face.
I set this picture to my boyfriend and didnt realize how you can see the happy until I saw it on his phone.
Just wanted to be mushy for a sec.


The Teen Choice Awards 2006

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God, where to begin....ok, Brooke Hogan.
This chick is so unnecessary to my mental state much less the Teen Choice Awards. It's like she won an award for Best New Artist at the Grammy's or something. Listen Carefully...
Understandably this is the height of your career but still the chatter was too much.
She would not stop talking and thanking everyone like her family, Paul Wall and blah blah. Lame.
Ok, Jessica Simpson....
First of all,I don't know who was in charge of them but I know that they hand out goodie bags to all the celebrities at major events with expensive treats in them. I am thinking there was some crack in Jessica's. I am also thinking maybe Courtney Love was in charge of dispersing the "treats". Was it just me or did she seem a bit "pepped up" and waaaay too nervous to be hosting? Not like hahaha I'm nervous but like ridiculous overacting, trying to seem "too ok" that Nick was there, Im 15 and have a crush on Dane Cook kinda nervous. I dunnno.....I do exagerate a bit but was there.
She also looked like ine of those real dolls.

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Yeah....cause this was a good idea..

(shakes head) up. Paula Abdul. Nothing much to say here but what the butt is up with her forearms?

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Looks like Rand Mcnally on them thangs.

And that's a map for all those who don't get my witty humor.

Another thing that was super funny was how Dane Cook started to feel up the mannequin and said it was Jessica Alba and the camera turned off and after it came back the bikini top had been moved completely off the boob....classic.

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I thought Britney looked great...really.

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That's about it..I know the K-fed thing has been overlooked. We all know it was a car wreck. Was anyone suprised? The only thing that did suprise me was the way he sounded like an old grandma who smoked Winstons 68 years. Thats it.

Monday, August 14, 2006

sky high

So while I was waiting in the car pool line to pick up my pinty I looked up at the sky and decided to take some pictures with my camera phone. I couldn't believe what I got. I didn't touch any of these pictures. The pink is the sun.
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Im gonna be changin it up in here so pardon the mess.........

the jerk

Happy Birthday to Steve Martin who turns 61. You're awesome.

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So there is someone I know that posted a rant in their blog and it got me thinking about how I agree and how false people make me sick. SO, Here is a personal rant and most of it is from the reply I left them.

I, too have found myself not interested in unnecessary things and people.

Especially people who are fake and say one thing to a "friend" about someone and say and act another way to that same someone or close friends thinking it wont get back to them. Or even talking to someones significant other when they shouldn't be especially if there has been a break up thinking it wont get back to them. Because they usually get back together.

I find these people artificial and wont go out of my way to be their friend.

That is where I am strong.

I can end something quietly and stick with it. Sorry your luck with people is not so great. I completely understand.

The only advice I can give you is to remember that people are people no matter what. And that you yourself havent always done the right thing and perhaps have talked about someone behind their back or been false in some way. I know I have at moments in my life and understand why things like that happen from time to time.

So, sorry to anyone I have hurt or couldn't fully give them the friendship they wanted . The ones that deserved it, that is. You know who you are.

Sometimes you cant see a persons true character until years have passed or they are put in a certain situation. I usually dont make people real friends until I have seen them in a real situation and watched their character come out or what I am when I am around them.

Then I decide.

Which has worked wonders for me.

I know it sounds harsh but I know what I need and want in my life. I have recently let people who are or were my supposed "best friends" go. Internally at least.

Like I said....quietly.

I have 2 true girlfriends who I adore and I feel like thats all I need. I have one true guy friend who I love more than I even know, who is my mate at the same time. I am set. I am grateful for them and know that they will be the ones that last.

So, in closing, learn from me and my mistakes. If you don't want to be hurt or wonder why your "friends" are fake and talking shit about you or talking to your ex or whatever, don't do it to them or anybody else. Cause trust me, it all comes back.


So do you remember the video of the with pink hair singing Ode to my Family? Well I have decided to rave about him and his website. He has so many great videos that he has done by lip synching and is very talented with the way he makes the songs seem like they're his. There is also a project in the making called " A Melancholy Kind of Godspell". Which I think is rendition of "Godspell" which was musical about the gospel of St. Matthew. But I could be wrong. Head over and check it out.

le site...

Here's another one of my favorites.....

dana carvey


I have been looking for this video for like far my favorite Dana Carvey Show sketch

This is a close second....

That completely makes my week. I love, love it.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


So there's this new thing I put on here. It's right above my eyes and its a little radio with one song. I'll randomly change it based on my mood. Just wanted to point it out.

Friday, August 11, 2006

to do

Ok's the time of the week where I disappear. I am going to try to post this weekend...really. I have lots of work and fun and dancin' to do. But, I am going to put forth an effort to post. I am also gonna start posting my weekends on here when Monday's roll around. Just because. Ok with that all said please enjoy my favorite video of the week.
Which is something else I am doing too on Thursdays.....enjoy.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


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I feel preety damn good about my test..but we'll see.

I have to wait a week to find out.


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I have a big test today that I crammed for. So wish me luck and think of me at 5:30 p.m.. I'll be freaking out and possibly crying through a long and ridiculously high expectation test. I should know my score by the end of class....maybe I'll post it.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


It is the best pre birthday present ever to see my Christian Troy again.


This song made me cry a little tonight. :) Please watch.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

meet the barker no s

So my favorite celebrity couple is divorcing.....the sadness is unmeasurable for this little blogger. I loved them together. I loved the kids. Shanna always reminded me a bit of me. Cutsey baby talk, spoiled, strong, and lets her man be a man. Well, I guess he didn't like it too much because he filed for divorce.
On a personal note, it seems like people just divorce cause things get hard. 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce in just the first 5 years. I feel like unless your life is in danger or your kids life then that is what a marriage is...learning and growing. Didn't you marry that person because they made you feel better as a person or they helped you grow in some way? Things aren't and weren't always easy. Just cause things get hard that doesn't mean get a divorce. It's how you get through those times that makes you who you are. It means for better and for worse...sorry, but it's true. They're called vows. But, I have no idea what happened to them or what the reason was so I shouldn't say anything. Just sparked a nerve and wanted to vent. Let's say goodbye to the Barker's with this cool video of them.


Week of August 7, 2006

There may be a very logical reason for why your lover said this or said that or didn’t say this or didn’t say that, but guess what? It is not your job to figure out what that reason is. Yes, your brain is hard at work like a little computer analyzing, evaluating, and nit-icking in order to keep every comment, act, and e-mail in a neat little compartment. This week, however, your computer is likely to have a meltdown when your brain goes into overdrive as it tries to process all the waves of information that are bombarding it. Doesn’t it feel like you get 20 different mixed signals from your lover a day? Maybe he or she only likes you between the hours of 2 and 4 in the afternoon, or 9 to 10 at night. The other possibility is that the one you love is actually looking for more solid signals from you. Perhaps you are sending out mixed messages yourself. Subconsciously, you might be doing this as a defense mechanism in order to keep yourself from getting hurt. Either way, it does no good to interpret the other person’s signals until you have your own broadcasting system up and working.

Monday, August 07, 2006


No more I love you's

The language is leaving me in silence

Some of the most commanding lyrics I've ever heard...I remember this as a little girl when my mom used to listen to much meaning.