Monday, November 28, 2005

ass crazy

**Warning** This entry is about me so if you don't know me or hell even if you do you might get bored. Thank you.

My Thanksgiving weekend was full of fun crazy. I managed to make an incredible Thanksgiving dinner that fed my imeadiate family that consisted of 9 people, which may not mean shit to you but for me it's a big deal. I am the baby of the family and everyone came to my house for the first time and ate. It was awesome. Mr. J came by after all that and ate and we played Madden 2005 on da box and I hate to say it babe but I whooped........dat..............ass.

Work was absolutely too much. I hate it.

I played a little poker on Friday and won half the pot. It was crazy cause I was the only girl there. It was with all my buddies and I beat them. It was bitter sweet. But fun as hell.

Other than that everthing is great and I can't complain......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you didn't mention that I (Mr J) won 2 out of 3 in Blitz!

I demand a rematch in Madden!!!