Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006


Just about the greatest moment this week on my TiVo.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


This is one of my favorite SNL skits...enjoy.


"OOps!! I dropped my dadgum rang ya'll!"

"La-Te-Da...Feels much better without it."

"HA! Lookee there, I'm not married anymore!!!!! Yippe!"
"Hey ya'll! I dropped my rang out there and I'm not married anymore!!!!!!"

"What's that? Sean Preston is opening up his first bag of Cheetos?!!!!!"
"Thats it, darlin'....just like Mama showed you...."


Monday, February 20, 2006

Just Because


"So, I like woke up this morning and felt not that feminine Fergie, could you take a picture with me so I can feel a bit more girly?"

"Thanks trann-- I mean Fergie.."


So sometimes I feel that this is a sham....but if you look really closely to her ankles they are swollen.....thats all I'm gonna say people.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I cannot wait to see these bastards in April.....I saw them last year and they were quite cash. Look at the tranny, Fergie with her rope hair....eww.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Courtney Love is apparently writing a book about her life and her father is afraid she is going to write that she was given drugs when she was a 3 year old by him. He has threatened to sue her.

"I know she has told other people I gave her drugs when she was three years old,
which she cannot possibly remember and is absolutely untrue as I was an anti-drugs counselor in the 1960s." He adds, "But I fear what she might write now to make the book sell."

And just because this is the funniest shit I've ever seen her do, I give you.......Courtney Love.

the boss

Man, this guy needs to stop coming in to work everyday. He's so freaking awkward! Mr. J and I have a hard time watching him when we watch Best Week Ever or The Soup. I mean, it sounds like he has something in his mouth when he's talking in this video.........I think it's a mixture of failure and sadness ....ahahahhaahha. Ok, here's something awkward to watch. Enjoy.


So this is the new Lara Croft.
I mean, she's hot. But no one will touch the hotness of Angelina. I think she looks way better.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I just really think this shit is funny

mr. povich

Here's a rant I have to vent with a moral. Awwww.

Maury freaking Povich.....I mean, this show is unbelievable. So, I'm studying for school, watching Maury and of course it's the episode where they are showing the most outrageous guests. So you know that there's a paternity test invoved. Ok, there's this couple on there and they are completely white.....he's wanting to know if he's the father of her baby that he's been helping raise. Pretty normal shit. But then they're like ok, here's what the baby looks like..........BLACK BABY PEOPLE!!!!! I mean, I'm like you really want to know if you're the father, like what gave it away there pal. The baby was like 6 months at least people. Jesus! And then for her to go on national television and be all like no it's your baby.....MY GOD. Of course ... it wasn't his.

The Moral
I cannot stress enough how number one, it's is so, so, so stupid to not wear a condom or not have birth control or whatever. Seriously. Then on top of that, number two, to be jumping from bed to bed. That shit always comes out and even if you don't get found out, the guilt alone will kill you. So, here's some free advice from me...take it or leave it. Don't be "Maury" about people or sex. If you're with someone be with them........and if you want another just fucking leave. I mean, have some balls and be honest with the person who you're with. You'll save them and yourself a lot of unneeded drama.

Your selfishness is of way less importance than their feelings.


Cool Quote from a guy:
Mathew McConaughey told Oprah about Penelope Cruise: "She sees everything for the first time even if she's already seen it before. That's refreshing… She takes nothing for granted.… She's very pure on the inside."
source: smart.

How much you wanna bet that sandwich is made of plastic and she carries it around with her in that massive purse and when she sees a photographer she yanks it out and puts in front of her mouth. You know I'm right...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

No, try sniffing a little lower ho. And when I say ho I mean Paris......no, no, I mean ho.

He is so freaking gross....when I see him with her it looks like she's hanging out with her sleezy agent named Senor Alphonze. Button up your shirt dirt bag.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I don't know if this is photoshopped but this once again is their sad attempt for publicity........nipple.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Desperate indeed.

I have always thought of him as borderline maniac...he just confirmed it. Don't get me wrong he's very talented but damn, what an ego. I love this song though.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


The sad thing is that she looks classier than they ever will.

Nice ass though.....not K-Fed....the nice one above.


So, I know I have been slacking and I swear tonight I will post a big one and be back on track. My school has seriously controlled me for the last 2 weeks and I apologize. I am back on track and will keep up in here so you all will have a reason to come on the Internet. Check back in later.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006



Here's a fucking idea....instead of taking pictures, yank her braindamaged ass out and slap the trash out of her....might take a while....but do something. Jesus Britney. Seriously.

Oh shit heres an update:
An LA County Sheriff's official has told TMZ that the LA County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) will investigate the incident involving Britney Spears and her son.
Spears drove in Malibu yesterday with her baby on her lap without any child restraint.
This afternoon, Deputy Sheriff Mark Winn went to the Spears home. The official told TMZ Winn made the trip to get contact information for DCFS, so that DCFS "could do their thing."
Britney's rep told TMZ Winn spoke with security - not Spears herself.
As we first reported, DCFS contacted the LA County Sheriff's Department earlier today, inquiring about the incident.
TMZ contacted a DCFS official who would not comment on the matter.
Britney issued a statement saying, "I was terrified that this time the physically aggressive paparazzi would put both me and my baby in danger." She added, "I instinctively took measures to get my baby and me out of harm's way..."
The TV show 'EXTRA' has obtained the following statement from X17, the company that took the picture: "These pictures were taken in a very peaceful context, in which photographers exhibited no aggressive behavior. We believe the pictures speak for themselves."

Monday, February 06, 2006


So, I know this is old but it's his best to me..I saw him in person last year. Enjoy.


Ok , here's the interview if you missed it.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


So I was catching up on my Sam's Choice TiVo and saw that I had Oprah interviewing Dave Chappelle to watch. I have been mighty curious of what all happened to him, so I immediately clicked it and proceeded to watch.. OK, I had to watch it like 3 times. It was like watching a really bad car wreck......slowly. First of all, his eyes are like glass they're so shiny. He then rambles on and on about how he's not crazy. I for one am very adamant that if you aren't crazy you shouldn't have to constantly reaffirm you're not. Anyway,he then goes on to say that "they", I assume Comedy Central, put a lot of pressure on him and that he started having ethical issues with his sketches. He was clearly high or just seriously had imbalance problems. Poor Oprah has to bring him back into the interview by repeating the question like 5 times. He didn't answer one question directly. On the question of will he be back....he stated he might if he could donate a lot of the proceeds of his dvds to charity.....? Ok.

Don't get me wrong, I like the guy and I can just imagine the pressure of having to be funnier and what have you but I think his appearance was more damaging to him than he probably wanted.


Uhhh.....what the shit has happened to Eminem?

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Apparently, Pamela decided to wear a smaller bra to make her boobs look bigger.


I have time for this.....

Ass shots are always good..

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I apologize for my inconsistency but I'm crunching deadlines because of my vacation...I will be back on shortly so hold your breath......