Monday, December 12, 2005

i'm full


Ok, so Aretha Franklin, remember her; the great Aretha Franklin who sang Respect? Well, it seems like she's allergic to something in this picture.....she's all lumpy everywhere.........maybe it's food. Yeeeaah, maybe you're allergic to food Aretha. No. No. I think maybe you just eat too much....seriously, too much babe.

Jesus, I can see it now, "The great Aretha Franklin died today and had to be cut from her FREAKING couch. She was found grasping a Toblerone and a Big Gulp of Diet Coke, traces of barbecue sauce was found on what might be her elbow.......News at eleven."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG. Its jabba the hut's lost sister. You found her.