Tuesday, June 12, 2007



i just wanted to blog a bit tonight about some random things going on in my life.

i got my new upgraded cell phone today. which is cool. it has a music player and all on it. woot!
on an emotional note: its crazy to think that 2 years have passed already. wow. so much has changed and happened in that time. i can honestly say i am not the same woman i was then. i know what you're thinking , its just a damn cell phone, but it represents more to me.

my job is cool. there is no organization at all there but it is definitely fulfilling.

i will have my certificate in childcare by December and all of the sudden i wanna think hard about if this is really what i want to do. crazy...but true.

i am going to start the dance class i keep saying i am going to start on Sunday. which makes me so unbelievably happy. anyone who knows me knows that is where the other part of my heart is along with my little malley girl. music and dance is my ultimate serenity. and i am not going to forget that no matter what.

like i said just wanted to blog a bit. i am going to try and get back into this. although next quarter i will have 4 classes plus a full time job. so i will try. :) stay tuned my 3 viewers... you know who you are ;)

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