Sunday, February 05, 2006


So I was catching up on my Sam's Choice TiVo and saw that I had Oprah interviewing Dave Chappelle to watch. I have been mighty curious of what all happened to him, so I immediately clicked it and proceeded to watch.. OK, I had to watch it like 3 times. It was like watching a really bad car wreck......slowly. First of all, his eyes are like glass they're so shiny. He then rambles on and on about how he's not crazy. I for one am very adamant that if you aren't crazy you shouldn't have to constantly reaffirm you're not. Anyway,he then goes on to say that "they", I assume Comedy Central, put a lot of pressure on him and that he started having ethical issues with his sketches. He was clearly high or just seriously had imbalance problems. Poor Oprah has to bring him back into the interview by repeating the question like 5 times. He didn't answer one question directly. On the question of will he be back....he stated he might if he could donate a lot of the proceeds of his dvds to charity.....? Ok.

Don't get me wrong, I like the guy and I can just imagine the pressure of having to be funnier and what have you but I think his appearance was more damaging to him than he probably wanted.

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