Wednesday, January 18, 2006


If you caught American Idol last night then you saw leather girl and her mom who thinks she's's a recap.

Crystal :: HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Randy :: HEY!!!!!!!!
Crystal :: You need me to explain anything? HEY, WHAT'S UP PEOPLE! [Waves hello with both hands.]
Simon :: Yes, the tan.
Crystal :: Okay, um, my name is Crystal. Um, I just turned six-
Simon :: No, I wanna hear about your suntan.
Crystal :: Okay, I'm singing "And I'm Telling You" by Jennifer Holliday.
Simon :: No, no, no. I wanna hear about your suntan.
Crystal :: Oh, my sun tan? ...I go tanning?
Simon :: Nooooooooooo

thanks to jj

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im digg'n the new look. Keep you the good work!!!! solochef76