Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Maury freakin' Povich.

So, I'm watching my new addiction, le Maury Povich Show. It ceases to amaze me how people will go on this shit not once but 8 times to find out which of the 40 guys they slept with in the neighborhood has fathered their baby.

For real, the show today was about DNA tests...imagine that. But it's for the EIGHTH time for three tramps. Yes, I said 8 freakin' times. Now listen, I'm gonna break this shit down for you.

People aren't looking at the whole picture. That's 8 guys in one month.....8 guys people, and they still aren't the father. That means she had sex with all these men with a possibility of at least one a month. Maybe I'm old fashioned and don't carry the whore gene but DAMN. Who has sex like that and doesn't get paid for it? That's about every three days you sleep with a new guy. What a life.

But hell, keep it up. It's great entertainment for this bitch and apparently Mr. Povich....look at his face.....he loves this shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waiting with baited breath for that shit to be aired in Sweden!!!
