Wednesday, February 28, 2007

letting go of fear

Death has been around me lately and I have to say that it is seriously bringing me down. I have lost 3 friends in 3 years and a couple acquaintances too.

I'm one of those people who thinks all the time.

I know everyone thinks but I am literally consumed by my thoughts and it’s very hard for me to pull myself out of it. I am a realist, which of course is a person who tends to view or represent things as they really are. So, for me death is and thaings like that can convince me to think what the the hell is the point of paying a bill or getting your nails done or getting up for that matter. A friend of mine died Saturday in his sleep and no one saw it coming. Life is so scary as it is without thinking that you could just fall asleep and not wake up. I am trying to take the other road and live my life instead of acting like I’m dead already…but it’s hard for me. I yearn to let go of fear.

Because of this I have been asking myself questions concerning my current place in life.
· Am I happy?
· Am I on the right path?
· Is this the life I really want?
· Am I wasting time?

Crazy……I could sit here for hours thinking and obsessing over this stuff.

I found these steps online..... gonna try and use them:
1. Remember what you've always wanted. What did you dream about being and doing when you were a child? Or an invincible teenager? Or an idealistic college student? At many points in our lives, when we encounter obstacles, we tend to settle. What have you settled for? What did you give up on when you settled?
2. Be honest with yourself. Pretending that your life is great when it's really not is only going to make things worse. Sure, you've got plenty to be grateful for, but there's nothing wrong with seeking more growth and fulfillment. Don't ever feel that by wanting more, you're forsaking what you already have.
3. Write down your goals. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 10 years? What do you want to accomplish before you die? Make lists and timelines. Keep them close to you, and read them every day, preferably when you wake up.
4. Consider making a big change. Switch careers, move to a different area, or end a relationship that's bringing you down. Stop your life from becoming one big routine.
5. Expand your comfort zone. Do something that's completely out of character. Shave your head, wear a miniskirt, try karaoke, do a cartwheel barefoot on the grass, etc. Be spontaneous and daring. Even if it has nothing to do with your goals, stepping out of your comfort zone will help you get used to facing your fears, especially people's reactions when you do something they'd never expect you to do.
6. Remember that it is your life to live and so you should choose what is best for you.

The key is to stay focused on your dreams, no matter how far you may be from accomplishing them. If you don't remember what you want out of life, it's awfully easy to lose your way.
Focus on what matters the most to you and pursue it unmistakably to the point of being able to grasp only a moment.
It is better to have experienced than not to.
Some people believe that everything you experience was meant to be experienced by you, precisely as it happens. Consider if it is helpful for you to believe this.
Don't ever think "It's too late," or "I'm too old." It's never too late, and you can never be too old to find happiness.

Monday, February 26, 2007


check these out..theyre only like 20 seconds a piece:

the devil wears prada:

the oscar silhouette:

little miss sunshine:

snakes on a plane:

Sunday, February 25, 2007


ladies and gentlemen....
may i have your attention please...
thursday afternoon whilst i was working my job of el lamo
i called in to a radio station and won tickets to
yes ...
words cannot express

Sunday, February 18, 2007

this is my personal horoscope for tomorrow that is read by my date and time of my birth....

An evaluation of goals
Valid during many months: This is a challenging time in your life. You will have to make many choices about what areas of your life to emphasize. Will you work to build up a new career or continue to build upon a current one? Will you work to make your personal life as satisfying as possible? Will you work collectively with many other people or by yourself?

Often there is an "alienation crisis" with this influence, a sudden feeling of being cut off from everyone else, as if you have spent too much energy pursuing purely personal goals. This in turn generates loneliness and a feeling of being distant from others, even loved ones. Or you may suddenly feel that you no longer have the strength to go on in the direction you have chosen. Fears of your own inadequacies may distort your perspective. All of this is most likely to happen if you have neglected personal relationships in your life. You cannot go on forever without supportive emotional relationships, and you may have been trying to do so.

Sometimes this influence can have the opposite result, and you discover that various personal entanglements have been interfering with the pursuit of your valid goals. In this case you will break off relationships and gain the freedom to go your own way. The issue here is the balance between personal relationships and advancement in life.

On another tack, this period can test your choice of goals. You may encounter opposition from others that forces you to examine whether your goals are really valid for you. If they are, the conflict with other persons or against trying circumstances will be useful. But if you find that your heart is not really in the path you have chosen, you may have to make adjustments and change your course of action. It is far better to do this now than several years from now, when you may be overcommitted to an inappropriate course and discover that you are trapped. Now is the time to change. It may not be pleasant, but it is possible.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


What in the holy hell has happened................

"After shaving her head and getting several tattoos, Britney Spears apparently went to Cedards-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. according to ONTD. She was seen going in and looked disturbed. She was wearing a dark wig and only stayed for a while. She wasn’t admitted, she left and went back home.
Earlier in the evening, Britney lost it at a beauty salon in Tarzana. She asked the hairdresser to shave her head and when the woman refused, she grabbed the
razor and did it herself. How G.I. Jane of her! She then went to a tattoo parlor in Sherman Oaks where she was described as being crazy and losing it.
A source said, “She wasn’t making sense at all and you could tell she’s not in a good place at all, and that she is totally freaking out.”
Britney then got a black-white-and-pink cross tattooed on her lower hip and red-and-pink lips on her wrist. The price: $80.
“She was a nightmare to deal with. She was screaming and flipping out from the pain and wiggling her body all around.”
She apparently had NyQuil stains all over her. After she left,
she apparently visited the hospital and then went home." - dlisted

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


this song keeps running through my little head...i like it i think.

Monday, February 12, 2007

my vids

i just about peed myself when i watched this on my tivo last night.....

loved this one too.....

but this one is my fave.... :)

Friday, February 09, 2007

everyone knows i think this man is fabulous but this video is a bit too hard core for me.

of the 3782 times ive listened to this song on my ipod i never envisioned justin using the f bomb and then a car blowing up at the end.... but whatever... he fine.

and this song sticks with me for some reason...

Should've known better when you came around

That you were gonna make me cry

It's breaking my heart to watch you run around

'Cause I know that you're living a lie