How beautiful is this video. I love Lily Allen.
You should listen to her...great lyrics.
This is the place where I blog about my little life and my opinions of celebrities lives
This is the song that I am obsessed with this the quads....its so "Supersonic" from Technotronic...but still bad ass. I love the end and the line, "..they be linin' down the block just to watch what I got." That's great.
Celicious.....yeah, I like that.
I absolutely love things like this........makes you realize whats real about people and what's fake. Inner is so much more than outer. I am slowly learning that more as I get older.
I love how dramatic she is in this video.....the only thing I don't like is the white room with the waves in it....looks like a cheap porno set. But, I like this song alot, the way she belts out makes you really feel the pain she's singing about.
Man....I am so ready.
I can't wait to order a pizza grab a beer and permanently place my booty on the couch and watch that. I'll probably wait ten minutes so that I can fast forward through the commercials....God, I love my Sam's Choice tivo. So, don't think about calling me during the hours of 10 and 11 pm on Tuesday Sept. 5 for I won't answer it...that sucka will be on silent.
* updated below 12:36a
I know Benji won and I liked him and wanted him to win but this boy was my secret none.
.....please let it load to see the full effect....
His control and flow is untouchable. I mean gaahhhh.
I think i've watched this 12 times already.
Just know that this dance made me cry 2 weeks ago.
I completely understand where Mia is coming from on the feelings. I'll be honest with you, I find myself crying at certain routines because it really is more than just "dancing" to me. So much deeper. Dancing is my vice. I love it more than anything in the world besides my pinty one.
God my lady biz makes me so emotional.
Yeah....cause this was a good idea..
(shakes head) up. Paula Abdul. Nothing much to say here but what the butt is up with her forearms?
Looks like Rand Mcnally on them thangs.
And that's a map for all those who don't get my witty humor.
Another thing that was super funny was how Dane Cook started to feel up the mannequin and said it was Jessica Alba and the camera turned off and after it came back the bikini top had been moved completely off the boob....classic.
I thought Britney looked great...really.
That's about it..I know the K-fed thing has been overlooked. We all know it was a car wreck. Was anyone suprised? The only thing that did suprise me was the way he sounded like an old grandma who smoked Winstons 68 years. Thats it.
I have been looking for this video for like far my favorite Dana Carvey Show sketch
This is a close second....
That completely makes my week. I love, love it.
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me in silence
Some of the most commanding lyrics I've ever heard...I remember this as a little girl when my mom used to listen to much meaning.
I song. Makes me all I know.......sad.
The lyrics are nice too.....I'm all about lyrics.
I hope you get to see it cause they like to delete things like this for shit like copyright nonsense...this video is hot. Very Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Watching it makes me wanna slap Britney and be like WTF were you thinking leaving and cheating on this man???
If this is any testament to how sexy he is in real life......damn.
Damn I say.
If you can get through this whole video, leave me a comment so I can help pay for some counseling.
Such a great song.
This is a great
The last one...... but it makes me smile instantly when I hear it.
"Shine sweet freedom
Shine your light on me
You are the magic
Youre right where I wanna be
Oh sweet freedom carry me along
Well keep the spirit alive on and on"
love that shit
*update: some guy said on youtube that at 2:15 when he says 'you are the magic', he spits...lmfao...I had to share that with you
I am a self proclaimed plastic surgery supporter, even though I do not have any.....yet. But I only support GOOD plastic surgery. I know Tara Reid isn't like raking in the dough anymore, but still, you'd think she could have found a legit doctor to perform a simple liposuction and breast augmentation. Granted I have done research and know that when you have lipo that you shouldn't eat or drink heavily afterwards because of the rippling it will do to your skin. I am sure she was told this.
Tara Reid being told not to drink heavily is as asinine as David Hasselhoff being told not to try so's not possible.
It's like she went into the office and asked for the 68 year old special. Shit, she's only 30.
Remember the old Tara?
Yeah, she looks like her mom now...ehhhggguhhh. Makes me second guess my decision to nip and tuck.
Ok so apparently Jessica Simpson wants Nick to be jealous.....this video is...ehhh let's say...alright. It's got cool cameos and it's very old Madonna too. Which is ok but you know. I do like the roller skating. I don't quite know what to say about the ice cream thing because I haven't decided if its sexy or awkward. All in all its alright.
These be the songs consuming me this week.....I hear them in my head when I'm walking around and shit ....
cause I'm gangsta....that's why.
So I went to see this tonight and really enjoyed it about the first hour and 45 mins. But then I realized that it was an hour longer.. don't get me wrong, I loved the movie and all the special effects but I just think it was a lot of information to shove into peoples head at once. But, who am I to say anything....I could watch Johnny Depp all day long.
Speaking of movies..I am so ready for this.
I have declared Thursday random video that I may have a break..... enjoy even though it Wednesday night...
When I see this I swear I die laughing. I have a very close friend who can do what Dorothy does at about 0:55...he's a master.
This is just because the intro makes me wish I was a back updancer.
I literally came close to peeing myself......seriously.
This is my ultimate favorite bestest song. When I think about love and the right thing to say or feel this is what I hope someone would want to say..... enjoy it.
"....I know your heart is weathered by what studs did to you
I aint gon assault em cause I probably did it too
Because of you, feelings I handle with care..."
"...Lets stick to understandin and we wont fall
For better or worse times, I hope to me you call
So I pray everyday more than anything
Friends will stay as we begin to lay..."
"...Granted we known each other for some time
It dont take a whole day to recognize sunshine..."
love it...
NY DAILY NEWS reports that, Lil Kim will be greeted with barbecue chicken, macaroni and cheese, salmon pasta salad, rice and peas and a fruit plate from the Watt Co. when she walks in the door in Alpine, N.J..
And I'm sure hair extensions, nails, 48 pounds of makeup, and tacky outfits with pasties.
It's like watching a crime in progress. He looks like those girls grandpa. Why is this happening. Do you remember those videos you can make at Six Flags? The ones where they have a back drop and you lip synch? Yeah I think I've found the "studio" that allows the Hoff to continue to "produce" "music".
I think it should be mandatory that people should come with warning labels. Things like:
Will cheat on you.
Will lie to you.
Will neglect you.
Will hurt you and not give a shit.
Things like that. At least that way you have an idea what you're getting. So you can decide whether or not you want to be their friend or be their lovah.
It's funny how you know deep down inside that things are wrong and that it's over but you still have that mini idea that maybe just maybe that person could change. NOPE.
I made a crucial decision about a week ago that I had to make and now I know the answer and I have to live with it. That part of my life is over and in a weird way I feel relieved and hopeful for tomorrow. I understand that in some way I deserve this....I have not always treated others with respect.
This is my time to put all the me into me and my little one and not into someone who doesn't deserve it.
With all that said know that I am not bitter but just wanted to vent...